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Below are a list of the solutions that we will utilize during our engagement to allow for document transfer and financial planning.


We utilize ShareFile by Citrix for our secure cloud document storage and document transfer. There are mobile apps for ShareFile for both Android and Apple devices. Just search for "ShareFile" and you can download the app for free. This is connected to RightSignature which we use for our electronic signatures on engagement letters and other necessary documents.







For financial planning software we utilize RightCapital.  This is another solution that has both Android and Apple apps for your mobile accessibility. Search "RightCapital" and you can download the app and have access to your finances wherever you are.



Below are a list of our intake forms by service area. If you have not completed a form, please complete the applicable forms below.




We would love to hear from you on how we are doing. Please complete the survey below so we can continue to best serve you.



​Tax & Accounting/Financial Advisor: 808.222.9319

Psychological Services/ Coaching: 808-868-7172

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© 2018 by Hui Advisors LLC

Disclaimer: Hui Malama Advisors refers to one or more of Hui Malama Financial Advisors LLC, Hui Malama Tax and Accounting LLC, and Hui Malama Psychological Services LLC. Hui Malama Advisors LLC and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. Hui Malama Advisors LLC (also referred to as "Hui Malama Advisors") does not provide services to clients. Hui Malama Advisors LLC refers to one or more of the US member firms of Hui Malama Financial Advisors LLC, Hui Malama Tax and Accounting LLC, and Hui Malama Psychological Services LLC; these are related entities that operate using the "Hui Malama Advisors LLC" name in the United States. Engagement letters and services will be made by the applicable member firms providing services and will be presented to each client prior to the initiation of such services. Please see to learn more about our network of member firms.

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